Interpreting tarot card combinations helps reveal the story in a reading.
You can easily interpret the combinations based on their relationship with each other and their shared meanings.
Each Tarot card combined reinforces and strengthens one another in a simple line, side by side, or when there is a spread.
There are different factors to take into consideration when interpreting a tarot combination.
They include the context of the reading, the spread used, other cards present and your reading style.
With over 3000 tarot card combinations, learning a specific reading for each combination or learning 3000 combinations is not an option.
Instead, we will list techniques to help you interpret the Tarot card combinations.
Understanding Tarot card combinations is crucial for revealing the story in a reading. Whether a Major or Minor Arcana card, each approaches the narrative, bringing depth and insight. For beginners, it’s essential to grasp the basic tarot definitions and the context of the question. Using simple keywords or phrases to interpret the combinations creates a meaningful story. For example, a Wheel of Fortune combination might suggest a significant event, while the Chariot combined with the Queen of Cups could symbolize a profound transformation. Embrace the rich meaning of cards and their connections in a larger spread, and remember, hard work and practice will lead to great success in mastering these tarot combos.
Hanna Burgess
Techniques to Interpret Tarot Combinations
Interpreting tarot card combinations helps reveal the story in a reading.
You can easily interpret the combinations based on their relationship with each other and their shared meanings.
Each Tarot card combined reinforces and strengthens one another in a simple line, side by side, or when there is a spread.
There are different factors to take into consideration when interpreting a tarot combination.
They include the context of the reading, the spread used, other cards present and your reading style.
With over 3000 tarot card combinations, learning a specific reading for each combination or learning 3000 combinations is not an option.
Instead, we will list techniques to help you interpret the Tarot card combinations.
Tarot Combinations and Words
The easiest way to interpret Tarot card combinations is using phrases or keywords.
When you have a combination, choose a word or phrase for each card in the spread and then join those words to have a meaning.
For example, if you have a Two of Wands (working) + Five of Swords (conflict) = you’re working with a devious partner or about to have a conflict with your work partner.
A combination can have several meanings, so match and mix the phrases and keywords associated with each card until you get a resonant interpretation.
Tarot Cards and Numbers
Card numbers are important.
Every card in the tarot deck has a number except the fool card.
You can use the numbers on the paired cards to discover the meaning of the combination numerologically.
When you have a combination with the same number, the significance of that combination is enhanced.
For example, Two of Cups (new relationship) + Two of Wands (Working or Partnership) = partnership in work and love.
Another thing to look out for is if the cards are in the +/- of each other.
Cards within the range of 1 to 3 mean the beginning of a cycle, 4 – 6 means the middle of a cycle and 7 – 10 means the end of the cycle.
The symbols on the tarot cards can help you interpret the cards according to their themes.
Check the card combination for a common colour or symbol, which may provide information about the combination.
Interpret the cards using the meaning of the symbols.
For example, Judgement + Temperance both have archangels, which may mean that your angel is watching over you, or it could mean faith and hope during a difficult time.
Symbols have personal meanings and common meanings.
How you interpret the symbol based on your past experiences, intuition, or subconscious mind is personal meaning.
The common meanings are found in courses, websites, books, etc.
If you don’t find a common symbol, use another method outlined in this article.
If a combination contains Minor Arcana cards, it will be easy to interpret them based on their elements.
The element for the Suit of Wands is Fire, that of the Suit of Cups is Water, the Suit of Pentacles is Earth, and the Suit of Swords is Air.
The energy is enhanced when the cards in a combination share the same element.
If they share different elements, you should combine the meanings of the elements.
Here are two examples: Eight of Pentacles + Three of Pentacles = focusing on money, work, and/or material things.
Cups (Water) + Swords (Air) = balancing the heart and the head.
People Interactions
This technique is exciting and interesting because it involves looking at the people in the cards and interpreting how they interact.
Are they looking away or facing each other?
How does this affect their relationship?
For example, Page of Wands + Queen of Cups = A loving relationship between a son and his mother.
While Queens of Cups + Page of Wands = A teenage boy ignoring his mother
The key to becoming an expert in anything is practising, so try all the above techniques for 5 or 10 minutes daily.
When you do this frequently, you will master the tarot card combinations and get better at multi-layered interpretations of the cards.
Court Cards
The Court cards are difficult for many Tarot beginners.
They’re hard to understand because they can represent people as well as personalities or situations of a person in some cases.
The best thing I recommend when starting with these cards is to keep it simple by interpreting them based on each card’s personality type.
Whether that be your own or someone else’s.
You can explore other interpretations later once you get more comfortable with the deck.
Predict the Future
If you find yourself in a relationship with two people who are Court Cards, it means that both of these dominant personalities play an important role in the success of your partnership.
The Tarot is often seen as a way to see into one’s fate or destiny; some believe it has psychic powers, too.
The good thing about reading tarot is that this process tells me my true feelings and guides me on how I should act towards others around me.
All without them even knowing they’re being read by someone else.
When dealing with multiple court cards at once, they typically indicate more than just a friendship between those involved.
Instead, each personality plays out their most dominant side because
Let’s look at some card meanings
Tarot cards have individual meanings that you can consider when doing readings.
Knowing this will also help with interpreting combinations.
Which Tarot card means luck?
The Wheel Of Fortune card symbolises chance, destiny and success.
How we contribute to our happiness can be tricky: the wheel spins round and round in an uncertain pattern that makes it hard to predict where it’s going next.
The good news?
That unpredictability also means there are different ways for you to get what you want.
If your intent is strong enough.
What is the most auspicious Tarot card?
The sun is a symbol of life.
The heart of our solar system, the provider and maintainer of everything we need to live healthy lives – from food to warmth- the sun gives us everything.
A few cards suggest soulmates, but you must examine the surrounding context for confirmation.
One card, ‘Justice’, is usually interpreted as representing your twin flame or perfect partner because it is numbered 11 in the major arcana and represents the balance of energy.
Another, the 6 of cups can represent the love between two people who have found each other with their soul mate-like qualities no matter where they may be geographically located.
A few cards could indicate the potential for finding one’s soulmate like a lover (depending on how relationship-related it is).
True love
The Lovers is the card of love.
This meaning comes from a deep connection and bond between two people who are so connected they think as one.
They feel what each other feels, share every moment without hesitation or hold back their thoughts in fear of hurting someone’s feelings.
There isn’t anything worse than not being able to be who you truly want to be with.
Further Reading
Dorothy Kelly, an expert in Tarot, offers a practical presentation of Tarot card combinations.
Major Arcana cards, like the High Priestess and Justice Tarot card, play a key role in Tarot readings, often signalling significant events or profound transformations.
Kelly’s presentation of these cards and the popular Waite deck highlight each card’s rich meanings and subtle nuances.
She also explains basic layouts, helping beginning students understand how each card’s meaning can change depending on its combination.
Her approach shares insights into the Minor Arcana cards, too.
Like the King of Swords, the Ace of Pentacles, and the Ace of Cups.
These cards add richer meaning to the readings, especially with Major Arcana cards.
For example, combining the Wheel of Fortune with the Devil card can indicate an unexpected twist during difficult times.
Similarly, the Chariot combined with the Ace of Swords might suggest a powerful message of overcoming obstacles with mental clarity.
Kelly also includes explanations of two-card spreads, which can offer new insight into lingering issues or the course of your life.
Both advanced readers and intermediate practitioners will appreciate her approach, which shares the organic system of Tarot as an ancient divination tool, integrating elements like zodiac signs and Chinese horoscopes.
The book is a result of her frustration with the lack of books that provide easy Tarot combinations for those just starting.
Final Words
Tarot card combinations can be used to tell the story of a reading.
These cards may appear next to each other.
In sequence from left to right or top to bottom on one line.
They appear as related stories but are not enough for us to see an entire picture yet, and we need more information about what is going on before we move on to another part of their lives.
This will give you a clearer insight into how to improve your relationship healthily.
There are virtually endless combinations, but every tarot beginner must start somewhere.
Understanding the relationships between the different tart cards helps you with tarot reading.
Here’s to new beginnings.
Originally posted 2021-07-27 03:12:46.
Hana is a numerology, tarot and astrology expert who studied extensively in India and made some amazing connections in that time. Her goal is to teach people how to live lives of passion and purpose by utilizing numbers, tarot and the planets as a guide.