Mastering Tarot Timing: How to Predict Your Future

Tarot Timing: The most asked questions in a Tarot reading usually start with “When.”

When will I find true love?

When will I find a job?

When will I become successful?

When will my future husband appear?

People want to know the exact time frame in which an event will happen in their lives.

So, tarot timing is a big deal.

Knowing the exact time frame for an event using tarot reading can be challenging and daunting.

However, there are techniques you can use to help with calculating time frames with tarot cards.

Mastering the art of tarot timing is essential for every tarot reader seeking to pinpoint the best time for particular events. Key methods include analyzing minor arcana cards. These include the ace of cups, wands, and pentacles. Specific times and astrological signs link each. Major arcana cards like the Wheel of Fortune add deeper insights. Knights, like the knight of swords, pentacles, and wands, bring unique perspectives on timing. Understanding these cards’ links to astrological signs is key. Using timing methods well can guide you to your desired reading outcome.

Hanna Burgess

Divinatory Meanings

We use the cards’ divinatory meanings to explain when and how the event will happen and what may happen before it.

For example, if a client asks you, “When will I get married?”

Tarot cards and candles
Tarot Timing

Depending on the card you draw, your response should help the client achieve a positive change in their life before they can get the desired result.

You shouldn’t respond that they have a predetermined destiny; instead, give a response that shows free will.   

Elements and Suits

Tarot card elements and suits can help predict a more specific time frame.

For example: 

Combine the card number and the suit for cards numbered Ace to Ten.

For example, the Nine of Cups means nine months of summer.

Nine of Cups 

Calculating the time frame of an event using the Court cards may depend on another individual. 

You may find different associations when you search the internet or read other Tarot cards.

So, use what works for you and what feels right. 

Card Positions

A card position can give hints about an event’s time frame.

You will first have to narrow it down to a specific card in a spread.

Then, look at the card’s interaction with other cards and predict the outcome based on what the card tells you.

Only choose a card that stands out to you and use your intuition. 

Tarot cards are like a modern-day oracle but with an added twist.

That’s because tarot card interactions and flows can predict when something will happen by looking at how the other cards “hint at” what might happen in your future.

tarot spreads
Tarot Timing

One way to do this is by seeing which card (or set of cards) stands out most prominently for you.

Even if it doesn’t make sense, why does that deck stand out from all others currently on display?

This article will look at predicting events by learning how to calculate time frames with tarot.

Astrological Associations

This technique involves using astrology to predict the outcome of an event based on the card and astrological signs.

For example, The Emperor is associated with the astrological sign Aries.

The 7 of wands is associated with Mars in Leo.

And the Queen of Pentacles is associated with Capricorn.

The astrological time of the year (Capricorn) can be used to predict the time frame if the Queen of Pentacles card is picked.

Astrology card

Another example is when you pick 7 of Wands; this may indicate that the event will happen on the 7th of a Leo month.

Or you can check in an ephemeris or online to see when Mars will be in Leo

The Ace of Pentacles is like the Page of Pentacles.

It’s ruled by the earth element, not by a particular sign.

The Ace of Pentacles represents earth signs.

These are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

The Minor Arcana Planet and Astrological Associations:

Tarot readers emphasize the signs of the zodiac when doing their readings.

Here are the zodiac sign and tarot card associations.


2 of Wands – Mars/Aries

3 of Wands – Sun/Aries

4 of Wands – Venus/Aries

5 of Wands – Saturn/Leo

6 of Wands – Jupiter/Leo

7 of Wands – Mars/Leo

8 of Wands – Mercury/Sagittarius

9 of Wands – Moon/Sagittarius

10 of Wands – Saturn/Sagittarius


2 of Cups – Venus/Cancer

3 of Cups – Mercury/Cancer

4 of Cups – Moon/Cancer

5 of Cups – Mars/Scorpio

6 of Cups – Sun/Scorpio

7 of Cups – Venus/Scorpio

8 of Cups – Saturn/Pisces

9 of Cups – Jupiter/Pisces

10 of Cups – Mars/Pisces

10 of swords

2 of Swords – Moon/Libra

3 of Swords – Saturn/Libra

4 of Swords – Jupiter/Libra

5 of Swords – Venus/Aquarius

6 of Swords – Mercury/Aquarius

7 of Swords – Moon/Aquarius

8 of Swords – Jupiter/Gemini

9 of Swords – Mars/Gemini

10 of Swords – Sun/Gemini

Ten of Pentacles 

2 of Pentacles – Jupiter/Capricorn

3 of Pentacles – Mars/Capricorn

4 of Pentacles – Sun/Capricorn

5 of Pentacles – Mercury/Taurus

6 of Pentacles – Moon/Taurus

7 of Pentacles – Saturn/Taurus

8 of Pentacles – Sun/Virgo

9 of Pentacles – Venus/Virgo

10 of Pentacles – Mercury/Virgo

Aces and Courts

The purest elements reside in Aces – fire, water, earth, and air.

Ace of Pentacles 

Due to this fact alone, it’s difficult for them to represent other parts of humanity, such as court cards that are representative or personifications of each element:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Air.

Court cards are representative of the personification of elements, so using them for prediction isn’t as effective.

Pages represent earth and water with their wands or cups, respectively.

Pages are more efficient than court cards because they have elemental qualities associated with what you want to know about ahead.

It is a good time in business when one is looking at a suit card.

predicting events
predicting events


There isn’t a fast and easy rule for calculating the time frame of an event using tarot reading.

The above techniques help calculate an event’s time frame, but you always need intuition.

It will guide your eyes and attention to which card gives a reasonable calculation for an event’s time frame. 

Minor Arcana Suits

A deck of cards is a simple yet powerful divination tool, and when it comes to time-related matters, the minor arcana are your go-to.

Each suit in this set corresponds with one aspect of timing: pace (wands), intervals (cups), dates (swords), or duration/pacing for events that have happened but not quite yet(coins).

The Minor Arcana

As you can see from these suits’ associations with each other above – relative pace goes hand in hand with interval and date.

I know it’s always tricky to predict the future, but you can find out when Mars will enter Aries by looking online or in an ephemeris.

This is an excellent tool for divination and predictions

The major arcana does play into prediction, too, however.

Their court card counterparts correspond respectively to past kings and queens who deal more with making things happen rather than predicting them happening, which aligns nicely next door.

Major Arcana

Tarot cards are a way to understand the nature of an event better.

Individual major arcana cards can help determine or intuit timing or speed associated with that predicted event.

One major arcana card, The Fool, is quick and unexpected while the World moves slowly–one might say relentlessly so.

One could also quickly see how high Priestess’s steady pace would indicate someone who takes their time before making decisions.

The Hanged Man may appear stagnant as they wait patiently for something good to happen.

Learning The Major Arcana Cards

Meanwhile, The Lovers’ initial rush may settle into a more regular pacing after some development.

Tarot Timing

There was a battle between these primordial elements in the early days of humankind’s existence.

The Spirit of Air and Water sought to suffocate humankind with their gas, while fire wanted nothing more than for them all to burn in its flame.

They decided that only one could be lord over the earth at a time to maintain peace.

This would ensure balance and harmony within nature’s domain.

Air (spirit) or water (energy) takes hold whenever you face important decisions or changes.


  • Spirit of Air – The Fool
  • Spirit Of Water – Hanged Man
  • Spirit of Fire – Judgment

The three elemental trumps are known to be outside of tarot timing, but this doesn’t stop them from having their associations with specific planets.

Adding Time Frames to Your Tarot Readings

So, how do you add these techniques to your Tarot readings?

Tarot Timing

You can choose any of the following options.

  • Add a card that focuses on ‘when.’  
  • You can make an entire Tarot Spread based on “when” (i.e., using a yearly forecast spread).
  • Use a four-card tarot spread explaining what will happen before it can occur.

Card 1 – Realization

Card 2 – Acceptance

Card 3 – Acknowledgment

Card 4 – Action

Try each technique and find which works for you and produces accurate results.

Before You Go

We’ve seen how tarot cards, like the Ace of Wands and Knight of Pentacles, help us predict when things might happen.

Tarot is great for determining the timing of events like starting a new job or a new relationship.

Different cards mean different things.

Knights, such as the Knight of Wands and Knight of Cups, can give us clues about the time period of when something will happen.

Like a special day or how many days are there until a particular event.

Kings, like the King of Wands and the King of Pentacles, might show us longer periods.

Each set of cards, from wands and cups to swords and pentacles, has its way of telling time.

The swords cards often talk about quick happenings, while pentacles cards take their time.

Astrology also helps in tarot readings.

Zodiac signs linked to cards, like Aries with the king of wands, help us understand when things might happen, whether sooner or later.

You can use different tarot spreads, like the Celtic cross or a single card, to find timings.

This could be about new things starting at a new moon or big changes at a full moon.

Remember, every card has a meaning.

Cards like the Ace of Swords or the Queen of Cups can give good-timing answers.

You can use your ideas and methods, like looking at the card’s number or the season it represents, to make your readings work for you.

In the end, tarot isn’t just about guessing the future.

It’s about knowing the right time for changes and better understanding yourself.

There’s no single way to read tarot—it’s about how you connect with the cards, whether thinking about money, love, or new beginnings.

Originally posted 2021-08-08 01:23:42.