Cleanse Your Tarot Deck: A common belief holds that buying your tarot deck brings bad luck.
It’s advised to use only tarot cards gifted to you.
After receiving a deck, it’s customary to cleanse it of any negative energies it may have accumulated.
This belief is a myth and lacks factual support.
However, respecting others’ beliefs and cultural wisdom on caring for divinatory tools is important.
If you purchase your Tarot Deck, you can still apply these methods to cleanse your cards before use.
![tarot deck](
This article will cover how to cleanse your Tarot deck and space.
Note: you can also use these methods to clean your Angel card decks and Oracle cards.
Deck Cleansing Information
Many believe that cleansing tarot cards involves removing negative energy and distractions.
To achieve this, neutralize the card’s energy or remove any heavy or distracting energies.
Some interchange ‘cleansing’ and ‘clearing’ as they have similar meanings.
However, others believe there’s a difference between cleansing and clearing.
This belief is based on their belief system.
The meaning varies by culture and belief system.
Some define cleansing as putting images into a neutral state.
Clearing involves actively removing specific energies from the deck.
![Three Card Tarot Spread](
To really cleanse tarot cards, one should take additional measures.
This deeper cleansing is more like a deep cleaning.
Charging the deck involves imbuing them with positive energy, which can be called blessing or charging (the cards).
How to Cleanse Tarot Cards
Before using your new card, you should set aside time to clear, cleanse, and recharge it.
Here are different ways to cleanse your cards or new tarot deck.
A Full Moon Bath
The best time to eliminate old energies is during the full moon.
![A full moon bath](
It is the perfect source to let go of bad energies within ourselves and to clear our cards.
Set your deck of cards under the moonlight when there’s a full moon.
A full moon bath will cleanse your cards and help with the energy of the cards.
Blowing and Knocking
This method is easy to carry; you can start by fanning your cards with one hand.
Blow on the cards once, pile them up and knock on top of the deck.
The cards are clean and ready for the next reading.
Cleansing Your Cards With A Sun Bath
Sun baths help cleanse your card of energy and charge them with refreshing and revitalizing energy.
![Sun Bath](
The light codes the sun sends out can charge and clear your cards and the channel for you to receive spiritual guidance and divine messages.
Use A Singing Bowl
One of the most interesting ways to cleanse your tarot cards is with a singing bowl.
As someone who uses Tarot Cards, I know this is an important step in working with your deck.
Using them on my card decks not only helps me put my emotions in check, strengthen my chakras, and improve my physical health.
It has also helped ensure they are ready for reading or meditation sessions.
![Singing Bowl](
To do so, place your cards inside the bowl while playing along.
You will see how quickly all negativity from these beautiful tools dissipates into thin air.
Using Crystals
To cleanse your Tarot deck, you can use crystals like:
- Blue Calcite
- Clear Quartz
- Selenite
- Black Tourmaline
- Amethyst
- Labradorite
- Or any other healing stone.
Place the stones or crystals around or on your Tarot decks for at least three hours.
If you want to cleanse your card deep, place the crystals on or around the deck overnight or for over two days.
Meditate and Visualize
Meditating with your cards and visualizing cleaning them with a golden or purifying white light can work.
The intention of the meditation should be to clean your cards of any weird energies.
When you meditate, you can channel your mind and connect with your cards.
This creates a clean channel for receiving messages and an energized deck.
This healing system channels energy through the hands.
If you practice Reiki, you can use this method to cleanse the energies on your card.
And, if you are not a Reiki practitioner, you can still cleanse your card energy.
First, sit holding your card deck and quietly set the intention of your cards.
While in that motion, focus on a golden or white light and bring this cleansing light through your crown and third eye chakras.
Let this light follow through your hand to your fingertips, and then place this cleansing light on your cards.
You can combine this method above with the meditation and visualization method. This will help cleanse the cards further.
Salt Burial
Some readers use salt to purify tarot cards.
First, you must wrap your card in a plastic bag and then put it into an airtight container with enough salt that is big enough for the deck of cards at hand.
Leave them there for about three days before removing them from the salted environment.
Do so carefully so as not to damage any part of your precious decks.
I would never try using this method on my most cherished decks.
They could get damaged during removal or while within their new salty atmosphere, which might suck up moisture from the air over time.
But every reader has different tolerance levels!
Wrap in Silk or Velvet
This method involves wrapping your tarot cards in silk, a silk blanket, a silk scarf, or a pillowcase.
You can use any velvet material or bag if you don’t have silk.
![velvet bag](
Before placing the cards there, set the intention and ask the silk or velvet to protect the card deck.
Then, place your cards in the special material, box, or bag.
If you decide to use cleansing herbs like dried sage, Palo Santo, or a locally sourced herb in the process.
You could also burn these and smudge your deck with its smoke to clear past energies!
Also, consider fanning cards on a table and passing an incense stick/smudge over them.
Stack those cards up afterwards, then pass the burning smudges above and below that stack of cards, too!
Another great way to use this method would be to charge your deck with energy before readings so you can pick up any messages from spirits more easily.
Why You Should Cleanse Your Tarot Cards
You can read Tarot cards without clearing, charging, or cleansing them of subtle energies.
But clearing energetic vibrations and recharging the deck is essential.
It is similar to cleaning or recharging any device periodically.
Consider a painting on your wall collecting dust over the years; its visibility diminishes.
During readings, tarot cards absorb the energies of people who touch them.
![Cleanse Your Tarot Deck](
People’s emotions and energy can leave a lasting impact on these items through heavy readings or from frequent use over time by different readers.
This is why it’s important to clear, recharge, and cleanse regularly, depending on how often they are used for reading purposes.
Cleanse Your Cards And Cultural Beliefs
Your spiritual beliefs determine the best way to clear and cleanse your cards.
The most powerful way is just doing it in a simple, meaningful way that aligns with who you are.
You may use a full ritual or just your energy to cleanse tarot cards.
You can burn incense like Sage or even salt with blessed sea salt.
Deck Care and Maintenance
When caring for your deck, you may want to practice spiritual and energetic care in addition to practical maintenance.
![minor major](
This is targeted at readers who read their cards only. The reader can decide how often they want to cleanse tarot cards, as they are the only ones using them.
A Tarot Cloth
If you care for your cards, I recommend using a protective tarot cloth to wrap your cards up in.
Some people make or purchase beautiful, elaborate cloths.
These can be used as an outer cover or tablecloth for their readings.
![Tarot Cloth](
This is the kind of well-made heavy velvet cloth that comes with its matching pouch card carrier!
Your deck will never look quite the same against this pitch-black backdrop, but more importantly, it’ll keep all those valuable cards protected from dirt or damage.
I highly suggest getting one yourself.
The real work begins when you sit down to consult your tarot deck.
There is also a lot of preparation needed.
You have to care for and maintain your cards so that they stay charged with their high vibrational energy.
This will prevent getting confusing readings because it doesn’t align well with what’s going on in reality.
Or give an accurate reading based on the situation at hand.
Regular recharging works best. It cleanses your cards energetically from all wear and tear.
But try out other methods, too.
Maybe even mix them!
In any case, we have seen many different ways to cleanse your deck.
We hope this article explains why you should cleanse your tarot deck.
Our blog has more posts on tarot cards and what you can do with a new deck.
Originally posted 2021-09-09 23:02:31.
Hana is a numerology, tarot and astrology expert who studied extensively in India and made some amazing connections in that time. Her goal is to teach people how to live lives of passion and purpose by utilizing numbers, tarot and the planets as a guide.