What Are Auras?
Do you ever feel weird when you’re in a crowded place?
Do you ever feel like someone is getting into your space?
You can only get so close to some people.
This is something that happens because of your aura.
There is a chance that someone else’s aura is mixing with yours.
When you’re around a certain person, you sometimes feel weird.
When you walk into a room, you feel like something is off.
The human aura is a strong field of electricity and magnetism.
We give off and take in electrical and magnetic energy.
You can feel this energy force in a room of people exchanging different kinds of energy, good and bad.
The human aura is a vibrant field of energy surrounding every person. It reflects their emotions, thoughts, and spiritual state. Different aura colors signify various traits. For instance, blue signifies intuition, green signifies kindness, and red signifies strong emotions. Learning to perceive and interpret these auras can deepen your understanding of yourself. It can also deepen your understanding of others. It can enhance your emotional and spiritual connectivity.
Hanna Burgess
What Are Auras?
The aura is a projection of our energies.
It is a band of energy that surrounds us.
Every living thing, including plants, trees, animals, birds, and people, can feel it.
There are seven layers to an aura, but the first three layers around the body are the easiest for a person to see.
You can see an aura with your eyes open or by using your psychic abilities when your eyes are closed.
What Do Aura Colors Mean?
Aspects of reading important auras are colours.
Here is a list of what the different colours mean.
Be sure always to trust your gut when reading auras.
This colour is hard to understand.
Nothing is wrong with having black in your aura.
Most of the time, black means that someone is protecting themselves from outside energies.
This can also mean someone is out of balance, hiding something, or keeping a secret.
Most of the time, a black ring is a sign of abuse.
Adults who haven’t dealt with abuse from their childhood will have this black ring until they are healed.
There are different colours of this.
People with special abilities have shades of blue in their aura.
Intuitive people will show a pale blue colour within the purple that bursts out like sun rays from the heart.
A deeper blue can indicate loneliness.
Deep blue shows loyalty, honesty, and good judgment, while muddier shades of blue show a person is bossy or tends to feel sad.
This colour can show how much a person has grown.
When seen around the head with other colours coming out of it, it means that the person is growing mentally, intuitively, and internally.
Brown can signify a lack of energy or that someone has stopped moving.
It means you have a lot of spiritual energy and are in touch with yourself.
Muddy gold means that you haven’t accepted your higher levels.
Usually seen around a person who thinks a lot and analyzes things.
This could mean that a person is “balanced.”
This colour goes around the heads of smart people.
Kind to other people, dependable, and able to heal.
A darker color could mean jealousy, like the phrase “green with envy.”
It can be a sign of creativity and intuition.
Silvery grey is a sign of femininity, while darker grey can mean that someone is secretive or out of balance physically.
Bright orange means that a person is getting stronger emotionally and psychically.
A dull colour shows a person doesn’t know how to deal with this growth.
When a person is too proud, their skin turns muddy orange.
This is the colour of love and truth.
It also shows the quieter side of someone who is creative and artistic.
Dark pink could signify immaturity or a change in love life.
But if you see dull pink, watch out: someone is lying.
Purple is the colour of intuition, and a deeper shade of purple shows that a person is strong-willed and passionate.
It can also mean having a strong erotic imagination or being too much.
A strong feeling of love or hate and a lot of energy.
But a person who wears a lot of red might be about to lose their cool.
A Guide To Seeing Auras
To see the aura, you must move your eyes slightly out of focus.
If you’ve ever been able to see those holographic picture-in-a-picture things, you shouldn’t have any trouble seeing auras because your eyes do the same thing.
The first time this topic came up at a seminar, I had no luck seeing the other people’s auras there.
That night, I went to a bookstore, picked up many holograph picture books, and sat there until my eyes could relax enough to see them.
When I returned to the rest of the seminar the next day, I had no trouble seeing the other people’s auras.
What You Can Do
Have your training partner stand in a dark room before a light-coloured wall.
Have your partner hold one finger about 6 inches from their chin before their face.
Now, look at their finger instead of their face.
Tell them to take their fingers off but keep looking at the same place.
You’ll need to let your eyes loosen up a bit to do this.
Now, if you look at them with the same relaxed eyes, you should see what looks like a small line running around their bodies a couple of inches from them.
The next layer out is even less clear and might be coloured.
Depending on who you’re talking to, each colour has a very different meaning.
In this case, my advice is to open your mind and figure out for yourself which colours seem to be most often linked to which kinds of people and how they act.
Try this out a bit.
If they think happy thoughts, does that change their aura?
Feeling down?
Feeling angry?
Auras – A Summary
Some people can see auras immediately, but it takes work for others.
Don’t worry too much if it takes a long time.
As you work with this, you’ll notice that even more subtle layers of energy surround people.
You may also find that you can feel another person’s chakras and figure out the most important one.
This lets you know immediately how that person will likely react to any given stimulus.
Originally posted 2022-08-09 15:32:20.
Hana is a numerology, tarot and astrology expert who studied extensively in India and made some amazing connections in that time. Her goal is to teach people how to live lives of passion and purpose by utilizing numbers, tarot and the planets as a guide.