The Suit of Wands – The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards

The Suit of Wands

The suit of wands is one of four tarot suits that make up the Minor Arcana, and they are often associated with ordinary happenings in the lives of their wearers. Wands are associated with the element of fire, and so is the suit of wands. This element should be taken into consideration while dealing with … Read more

Tarot Spreads For Beginners- How Cards Are Used In Tarot

Tarot spreads for beginners

Tarot spreads for beginners: Intuitive tarot reading is an art form. However, the technique used in tarot reading, like in any skilled practice, directly affects the outcomes. The term ‘tarot spread’ refers to the specific sequence of cards laid out during a reading. Before drawing the cards, those seeking advice or querents can use various … Read more