Every young person (well, almost every) desires marriage at some point in their life.
Companionship is sweet, and we all want a feel of the love, happiness, joy, and peace that comes with being with the person that gives you butterflies.
There is nothing wrong with desiring to get married and find out when that will be.
Thank the stars that you can predict when you will get married with concepts of numerology and astrology.
This prediction is about the future, which is somewhat malleable and can change due to unforeseen circumstances.
However, numerology calculations can give you an insight into the date you are likely to get married.
In numerology, some numbers resonate more with marriage.
The numbers 2 and 6 resonate more than others.
You can calculate your marriage date with your birthday and a date in the future.
Whatever result you end up with is your marriage date.
However, if you end up with a 2 or 6, the probability of it being a reality is higher than that of other numbers.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 1
You are most likely to marry your childhood friend, and because you have extraordinary qualities, you fall in love with someone like you and wouldn’t compromise by settling down with just anyone.
Despite being passionate, you are not easily influenced because of your practicality in every situation you find yourself in and outside a relationship.
The best date for your marriage as per numerology will be a date with destiny number 1.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 2
You are a highly sensitive and emotional person with a strong mental connection to love and family, and that’s why you listen to your heart and intuition when it comes to love, relationships, and marriage.
You will pick emotional pleasures over physical pleasures any day, which is why if not okay, you easily experience mood swings.
As per numerology, the best date for your marriage will be a date with destiny number 1 or 7.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 3
When it comes to love, relationship, and marriage, you do not follow the leading of your heart completely.
Instead, you prefer to be practical about everything.
You are not a romantic person as you naturally love yourself more than you do your partner.
Being ambitious makes you dominant, and the only set of people who can tolerate your character are those who wouldn’t be a dominating partner.
A date with destiny number 3 or 9 will be ideal for your wedding.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 4
There is something unique about you even though you are not romantic and tend to have a sexual relationship outside marriage, especially as a man.
According to numerology, most number 4 people are unlucky when it comes to marriage.
And this is because of their short temper, which may cause their divorce.
This doesn’t mean that you can make intentional choices to end differently.
The best date for your marriage as number four is any date with destiny number 1 or 7.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 5
Sex is important to you, and you wouldn’t mind experimenting with new experiences.
As a result, you may have a lot of relationships before marriage and might find them boring when they don’t excite you anymore.
You are practical and wouldn’t rush into making relationship or marital decisions.
A date with destiny number 9 will be ideal for your wedding.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 6
Physical and emotional compatibility is important to you in relationships and marriage. You are a charming personality that attracts the opposite sex to you.
As such, you tend to be manipulative with them and may even end up having a relationship outside your marriage if not careful.
You are sensual in lovemaking and foreplay, and because 6 is the number of love and peace, you are compatible with every numerology number.
Your ideal wedding date is one with the number 6 or 9.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 7
You are naturally quiet, transparent, and peace-loving.
Hence, you would rather communicate effectively with your partner to avoid any stress in your relationship.
Your dreamy and highly visionary mind is one reason why you are very romantic and will do right by your partner to enjoy your relationship.
Your ideal wedding date has destiny number 1 or 2.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 8
You are strong but emotional and loyal to a fault.
When it comes to love, you follow your heart and stick with whoever it leads you to.
The best date for your marriage as number four is any date with destiny number 1.
Marriage Predictions for Destiny Number 9
You are emotional, full of energy, and have a strong attachment to your family.
Sex is important to you in your relationship, and if care is not taken, you may look for it outside your marriage.
You hide your emotional part from the world and end up being misunderstood by those who barely know you.
Your wedding date is one with destiny number 3, 6, or 9.
Originally posted 2021-11-10 02:59:48.
Hana is a numerology, tarot and astrology expert who studied extensively in India and made some amazing connections in that time. Her goal is to teach people how to live lives of passion and purpose by utilizing numbers, tarot and the planets as a guide.